Medication Logo

Medication Logo

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Medication Logo
Image file: medication-logo.gif

Our client is from West Bloomfield, MI, United States of America.

The Medication logo is a pre-designed logo from

The price of the logo is $125.90 (USD). The turn around time is one business day.

The Medication logo portrays a diagram of heartbeats in close succession. This indicates a fast pulsating of the heart. The diagram shows two peaks. The first peak is much lower than the second peak. These two peaks are arranged above the median life line. The three peaks below the median life line, have short peaks. The second of the three peaks is the longest. The median life line encircles the globe to the left and to the right hand side. The medication logo has a shadow base. The focus lies on the pulsating curves, suggesting ongoing life. The medication logo is colored in blue, light sea green, white and black. The median life line, continuing with the flow of the peaks, is colored white. The globe is sectioned into two unequal halves by the median life line. The lower section of the globe logo is smaller in comparison the upper section of the globe logo. The lower section of the globe logo is colored blue. The upper section of the globe logo is colored light sea green. The diagram is placed, slightly to the right hand side of the medication logo. The sides of the globe logo is colored in a running flow of light sea green and blue, giving the impression of a dark depth in color.

The name of the business equals the Medication logo in height. The name of the business has two words. The first word flanks the left hand side of the graphic design and the second word flanks the right hand side of the medication logo.

The name of the company has a shadow base.

The tag line is place at the bottom of the medication logo and company name. The company name is colored blue and the tag line is colored black.

The fonts are Placard MT Condensed (Normal)(ENU).

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