Horse Action Logo

Horse  Action  Logo

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Horse Action Logo
Image file: horse-action-logo.gif

The need for a logo, expressing the nature and character of our client's business arose. Our clients from Desoto, Texas, United States of America found their logo on the Web site of The Catagory is named Horse Logos.

Our client bought their logo for $125-90 (USD). They are the owners of this logo.

The Horse Action Logo is a pre-designed logo. The turn around time for all our logos is 1 business day between each revision. The Horse Action Logo was finalized within 1 business day.

The image designed by one of the in-house graphic designers, depicts a horse facing the wind from up front. The horse is on speed judged by the expression on its face. The right side of the face of the horse is turned to the viewer. The horse is facing to the right.

The front portion of the face of the horse is designed onto a background colored red. The neck portion is designed onto the same background, getting lighter moving further away from the image of the horse. The smooth surface of the light red background changes into curves imitating flames.

The name of the company is designed to the left of the horse image. The letters of the two words spelling the name of the company is designed as capital letters. The trade mark is designed to the right of the name.

The tag line is written with three words. These words are written in capital letters.

The colors of the Horse Action Logo are various shades of red, white and gray.

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