Blue-Yellow Construction Logo

Blue-Yellow Construction Logo

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Blue-Yellow Construction Logo
Image file: blue-yellow-construction-logo.gif

Our client is from Willemstad, Curacao,
Netherlands Antilles.

The Blue-Yellow Construction Logo as seen displayed here, is from

This is a pre-designed logo. The price of the logo is $125.90 (USD). It is now owned by the company which bought it. The turn around time is 1 business day. The company desired one batch of concept design files before calling for finalization. The Blue-Yellow Construction Logo project was completed within 2 business days.

The logo reflects two letters from the Western Alphabet. The letter M, personified the name and character of the company. Choosing two letters of the same letter: the M, gave weight to the main activity of the company. The logo design consists of one large letter M, positioned at the back of a smaller letter M. Both the letters are identical in stature but not in measurements. The letter at the back is colored blue, while the letter in front is colored a bright yellow.

The logo has no border nor a shadow base.

The name of the company is designed to the right of the logo.

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