Plant Church Logo

Plant Church Logo

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Plant Church Logo
Image file: plant-church-logo.gif

The logo on this page is a pre-designed logo by

The price of the logo is $125.90.

The turn around time is 1 business day between each concept design file.

Our clients from South Gate, CA, United States
of America required a logo for their church. They found their perfect logo design in the nature category on the web site of

Our clients received 10 concept designs before they chose their logo image and called for finalization of their logo.

The logo image depicts a shoot of a plant. The shoot is compiled by the stem and three leaves. The leaves are not attached to the stem of the plant. The largest of the leaves is designed to the right side of the stem. The smallest of the leaves is designed above the largest leaf. The third leaf is designed on the left side of the stem of the plant.

The shoot of the plant is flanked by two words. The words is a portion of the name of the church.

A further two descriptive words of the church are designed underneath the logo. These two words are designed between two horizontal lines.

The four words are designed in small letters, each commencing with capital letters.

The colors of the logo are Fill: 100% PANTONE 363 C, Outline: None and Fill: 100% PANTONE 357 C, Outline: None.

The name of the fonts is Cataneo BT (Bold)(ENU).

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