Bookkeeping Logo

Bookkeeping Logo

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Bookkeeping Logo
Image file: bookkeeping-logo.gif

Our client from Calgary, AB, Canada, chose to design his business logo.

Our Budget Logo Package appealed to our client as he knew exactly how his business logo should look like. created three logos based on our client's ideas. Our client chose the design he liked most. Our in-house graphic designer from this point onwards, worked hand in hand with our client to refine that design until it was perfect.

This Budget Package does not come with our standard money-back guarantee. If the option of having a refund is important to our clients, they should consider one of our other packages instead. Here is a link to web site for more information: Copy and paste into your browser to open the link.

Our client had no specific colors in mind. Thus in-house graphic designer took the lead to experiment. Our client began to lean towards the colors Fill; 100% PANTONE 188 C, Outline: None which is a rusty red color, and Fill: 100% PANTONE 5435 C, Outline: None, which is a light blue color.

The turn around time is 2 business days maximum, between each revision.

The Bookkeeping Logo is that of the letter M, designed to repeat itself once. Thus giving the image of two letters M, adjacent to each other. The letter M designed to the left is larger than the second letter M to the right. Both these letters are design from scratch. The letters M are enfolded in a circle. The letters M take the central space in the circle, overlapping the borders of the circle on the right and left hand sides.

The lower portion as well as the letters M are colored in Fill: 100 PANTONE 188 C, Outline: None. The upper portion of the circle or globe is colored in Fill: 100% PANTONE 5435 C, Outline: None. A distinct white border separates the peaks of the letters M from the upper portion of the circle or globe.

The name of the company is designed to the right hand side of the Bookkeeping Logo. The name of the company is compiled by 2 words. The first word is colored Fill: 100% PANTONE 188 C, Outline: None. The second word is placed underneath the first word. It is colored in Fill: 100% 5435 C, Outline: None.

The tag line of the company is designed in a smaller font format and placed underneath the name of the company.

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