Remodelling Construction Logo

Remodelling Construction Logo

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Remodelling Construction Logo
Image file: remodelling-construction-logo.gif

In the construction category on our web site, our client from Benton, Arizona, United States of America sighted his future business logo.

Within 1 business day our client called for finalization of his logo! Four concept designs were enough to finalize the design process.

The logo image is of a home or house. The border lines of the house are that of the 1 side wall on the left and the roof with a chimney on the left hand side. A circle is designed starting from where the left wall ends. The circle design continues at a wide angle right over the roof at the back of the house image, ending on the roof top to the right. A delicate swoosh commences from the middle section of the circle, flowing downwards past the left wall. Another circle is designed at the right hand portion of the first circle. This second circle is small and a thirty percentage is revealed. The house has an open space at the bottom of the design.

The company name is compiled by 5 words. The first 2 words are designed in capital letters. The last 3 words are designed in small letters. The third word and fifth word commences with capital letters.

The tag line is designed underneath the company name at the right hand side of the logo image.

The Remodelling Construction Logo is multicolored. The colors are Fill; 100% PANTONE 137 C, Outline: None, Fill: Fountain, Outline: None and Fill: Black, Outline: None.

The name of the fonts is Gill Sans, MT Condensed (Normal)(ENU).

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