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Christian Logos

Christian logos today make use of a multitude of Christian symbols. Some of the most popular symbols commonly found in Christian logos include the cross, the white dove, an open Bible, a group of people (symbolizing the community of the church), the sun (especially sunrise) and people worshipping.

While the symbols used in Christian logos are obviously Christian because of their application, many people are of the opinion that particular Christian symbols have pagan origins and as such are not fit for use in Christian logos. It is the opinion of Biz-Logo that symbols have no intrinsic meaning or power. Meaning and power can be assigned to a symbol by a specific group, but the six-pointed star, for example, can be both a pagan sign to some and the star of David to others. In our opinion, the meaning and assigned power in any symbol, Christian or otherwise, lies in the eye of the beholder.

If you are in need of a church logo design or Christian logo design for your church or Christian organization, we have some design packages you should look at.

Pre-Designed Christian Logos

These are unique logos, designed by Biz-Logo designers and offered for sale. Each one of our pre-designed logos come with exclusive ownership and copyright transfer.

Custom Christian Logos

If you have something very specific in mind, consider ordering a custom logo instead. With our custom logo packages you get to work with a Biz-Logo designer to create your perfect Christian logo.

Christian Logos

Image: christian-logos.gif

A Short History of Christian Logos
Compiled by Elza Uys

God Himself made the first mark on Cain (Genesis 4: 15). The mark portrayed a strong message of protection towards Cain. God All Mighty also gave the first mark in nature to secure our protection against another flood (Genesis 9:13-17).

As words from God All Mighty took on visual forms of a rainbow, a mark on Cain, blood of slain lambs on door posts of the houses of the enslaved Hebrews in Egypt, etc. humans continued the same pattern: words from the Bible became paintings, Christian logos, engravings, etc.

The human race quickly ran into trouble by designing a business plan as to how to reach heaven. (Genesis 11). Here we read of the first corporate identity images created, that brought about the scattering of peoples all over the world.

Through the ages Christian logos (images) are found in church buildings, cathedrals, in tombs, on monuments, ornaments, jewelry, coins, medals, seals, porcelain, pottery and tapestry.

A short time down human history different cultures began their own language script, writing message images on clay slabs, rock walls, animal hide, stone and papyrus.

Papyrus originated and established itself as a popular vehicle conveying hieroglyphs to the learned of that time. The center of written images on papyrus was Egypt. By the year 400 B.C. hieroglyphs was supplemented by hieratic and demotic scripts and used for religious and inscription purposes only. The aim of these writings were to relate the laws of religious figures of that time.

In the Middle East, the gestural curves of the Aramaic alphabet evolved during a long period into the Hebrew and Arabic alphabets. This happened during the 850 B.C. The ancient examples of the early Hebrew alphabet date from about 1000 B.C.

Sacred writings were valued greatly by Jews and Gentiles alike.

In Athens, the apostle Paul had the opportunity to take an inscription on an altar as focus point to convey Christ Jesus living inside every human being that accept Him as their Savior. (Acts 17:16-28)

Printing was discovered by the Chinese, during the Han Dynasty (third century A.D). But without paper, speed and efficiency of printing methods would fail dismally. During an attack on the city of Samarkand in 751 A.D. in China, the Arab occupation quickly got sight of the trade and Samarkand became the center for paper manufacturing. The industry rapidly spread to Western Europe, England and the Americas.

The most used Christian logo today is the cross. Christian communities began to apply the cross as a symbol, in the fourth century A.D. Before the Middle Ages, and thereafter, church buildings were built after the shape of a cross.

The cross itself has no significant meaning to a person not confessing that Jesus Christ, Son of the Almighty only God, died for the world's sins on the cross. This Christian logo therefore becomes meaningful when the sign of the cross is submerged into the historical reality of 2,000 years ago. Only then does it become an extremely powerful message.

In ancient times people meeting death on a cross were criminals. Moreover, they were called 'accursed'. The form of a cross was thus seen as an emblem of shame, not to be expressed in any other way. However, the Christians of the early church regarded the cross as an object of honor (Gal. 6:14). Through Christ Jesus, our shame (because we could not rid ourselves from Adam's sin) was exchanged for our glory and honor.

The letter group “IHC” is a monogram that often adorns vestments, walls, rugs, banners etc. It is the first three letters of IHCOYC, Greek for the name of Jesus. Our Christian logos displaying this letter group, express our knowledge and assurance that “every knee shall bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Phil. 2:9-11).

The final Gospel given to the apostle Paul by Jesus Christ Himself, in the Arabian desert is regarded as one of the most explicit Christian logos ever possessed by humans. As the Word became Flesh and lived amongst us and inside of us at rebirth (John 1:1-5) Genesis 3:15 and 1 Peter 1:22-25), so did the Christian logos depicting the Word of God took on the priceless meaning of everlasting life in Christ Jesus. Christian logos such as an open book, a book with a sword showing partially from behind the book, etc. is understood as an open invitation to all people on this earth, literate or illiterate, to accept the Truth and join themselves to eternal Life, Christ Jesus. This final Gospel is also depicted in sowing of the seed parable told by Jesus Christ. (Luke 8:11 and Mark 4:4-26).

The fish, a Christian logo symbolizing the meals given by Jesus of Nazareth to multitudes, developed as a symbol for the Person feeding the multitudes. The word 'fish' in the Greek language, spells 'ichthys'. These five letters are regarded as initials for five words : Iesous Christos Theou Yios Soter. Translated it reads “Jesus Christ, God's Son, Saviour”.

One of the plant related Christian logos is the pomegranate. Is signifies the resurrection of Christ Jesus from the grave and the release of our bodies from death on the Last Day. This Christian logo also expresses the abundance of spiritual blessings we have in Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:3). Solomon used it in clusters as decorations in the first temple built for God. (1 Kings 7:18). It was an adornment on the high priest's robe.(Exodus 28:31-35).

Christian logos abound in numbers and meanings. It is spread worldwide. With the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ at the rapture, these Christian logos and the Bible are some of the elements that will be left behind. Who knows what will happen when they are read during the Great Tribulation?

More Christian Logos

Check out the church and Christian logos section in our pre-designed logos.

You will also find a number of Christian logo designs among our logo examples. If there is a specific type of Christian logo that you want - or a specific type of image or symbol that you want us to use in your Christian logo, please consider ordering a custom Christian logo instead

If we can be of assitance, contact us anytime!